This Ramadan, Dare to Care

Target: $100,000

Malik ibn-Harith narrated that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said,

“Whoever embraces an orphan of two Muslim parents by feeding him and giving him drink until he is independent of him, Paradise will certainly be necessary for him.”

Praying together, having suhoor and iftaar with family, wearing new clothes, and celebrating with eid gifts all add to the special joy Ramadan brings for children everywhere, yet for many this is not possible. Millions of children have lost the safety and security of their family and are living a life of loneliness and struggle. This Ramadan, we ask you to join our efforts in providing orphans with food, education, healthcare, and the financial & emotional support they need to begin their journey to a brighter future.

The Donations Collected Will Provide Orphans:

1- $11,000 -Sponsor 10 orphans, 5 Children with Disability, 5 Children Education Support
2- $6500 -Sponsor 5 orphans, 3 Children with disability, 3 Children Education Support
3- $2600 -Sponsor 3 orphans, 1 Child with disability, 1 child education support
4- $1100 -Sponsor 1 orphan, 1 child with disability, 1 child education support


funded of $100,000 goal

19.0850% Complete

Project by:

Support an orphan. Create a future

The lives of over 100 million orphans around the world are embedded with uncertainty and hardships as circumstances have left them with unfathomable challenges no child should have to face. One of the major roadblocks in their existence is the access to equal education. With limited resources, orphans and other children around the world living in marginalized communities have difficulty going to or staying in school. You can help transform a child’s future. Your generous donations can help them reach their goals and make their dreams come true.

With YOUR generosity,
HHRD’s Orphan Support Program helped over 24,450 children in 2022

Different abilities make children so much more beautiful than they already are. Families with limitations often find themselves in difficulties having to care for these children, especially with growing inflation, lack of services, and social prejudice; these children often face discrimination and do not get equal help or opportunities. This Ramadan, be their shield and help sponsor children with disabilities. HHRD aims to highlight the plight of children with special needs and bring them to the forefront through inclusive education and social participation. Your support can help change a child’s life.

Nurture Hope. Embrace a Child

HHRD is a global humanitarian organization responding to human sufferings in emergency and disastrous situations all over the world regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, class, and religion. Ranked among the top 3% of 9,000 NGOs, HHRD has received a four-star rating from Charity Navigator over the past seven years.

HHRD Recognized Amongst Top Zakat Charity

HHRD’s philanthropic programs have not gone unnoticed, we are ranked among the top-rated Zakat Eligible Charity in the USA. HHRD received an overall score of 98.23 out of 100, reflecting the trust HHRD has earned with US based donors

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