Help Educate 150 Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan & Lebanon


funded of $80,000 goal

45.89625% Complete

No of Children Sponsored

6 of 150

Emergency Appeal: An estimated 2 million Syrians are officially registered as refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. The future is dangerously unclear for the subsequent generations of these refugees, as an estimated 85,000 Syrian Refugee children in Jordan and 250,000 Syrian Refugee children in Lebanon are out of school which puts into question their future and survival.

As the growing COVID-19 crisis threatens to disproportionately hit the poor in developing countries, not only as a health crisis but as a devastating social and economic one over the months and years, losses are expected to drastically increase. With an estimated 55% of the global population having no access to social protection, these losses will reverberate across societies, impacting education, human rights and, in the most severe cases, basic food security and nutrition.

Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD), registered as International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) in Jordan, is providing this extraordinary opportunity to ensure a proper education for these Syrian Refugee children in Jordan.

Any help given at this stage to secure their future through education is one of the best forms of Sadaqa Jariyyah. Chose from the 150 profiles below of children who need a donor to sponsor their education.

Be a change maker; help pave their way to success!

Syrian refugee children are being deprived of their right to receive proper education due to several reasons:

  • 1- Despite the availability of public and private schools, Syrian families are unable to afford the overall education expenses.
  • 2- Transportation facilities are not available.
  • 3- Many opt for sending their children to work to earn money to support the family instead.

HHRD’s Education Support Program (ESP) allows deprived Syrian refugee children to continue education on a regular basis from Elementary to Middle and High School while their family receives financial support.
HHRD’s Family Education Support Program (FESP) began with 100 children in 2015, then 250 students in 2016, 500 students in 2017, 1,000 in 2018, and 1,500 last year.

Your sponsored student will receive:

  • - Monthly allowance/money paid to family (toward home expenses)
  • - Scholastic items like School Bags, Stationary, Uniform, Shoes, etc
  • - Help in arranging transportation including stipend
  • - School follow up visits
  • - Home follow up visits
  • - Tutoring lessons (before exams) for students weak in some subjects

These initiatives of education encourage and empower the minds and hearts of the future teachers, doctors, engineers and others, who will go on to influence communities, nations and ultimately, the world.

HHRD is a 501c (3) nonprofit organization started in 2005. We have been consistently rated 100% transparent on Charity Navigator (a company that rates all big nonprofits including the Red Cross), in the top 4% of all US based international charities, and the #1 zakat eligible international charity in multiple countries for the past 4 years in a row.

Sponsor A Child

Sondos Khaled Alfarwan

Name: Sondos Khaled Alfarwan
Gender: Female
Age: 19 Years
(Birth Date: Apr 01, 2005)
Class: 11th
Location: Dara'a, Syria
School: Eskaan Almaliya Wazeraa

Donation Details

Child Id   
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Donation Amount (US $) 
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HHRD Recognized Amongst Top Zakat Charity

HHRD’s philanthropic programs have not gone unnoticed, we are ranked among the top-rated Zakat Eligible Charity in the USA. HHRD received an overall score of 98.23 out of 100, reflecting the trust HHRD has earned with US based donors

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