Give the Gift of Water

Water Project in Memory of Amneh Ahmad Al-Shboul

Help Sponsor a Shallow Well Pump in Somalia

Thank You for helping us reach our 5k goal as of today 11/2/2020. We appreciate all of the contributions and will now stop taking donations. Please continue to pray for our beloved Amneh.

Amneh was a beloved great-grandmother, grandmother, mother - someone who gave back in any way she could. In her loving memory, we want her legacy to live on. We want to give back to the Somalian community the way she selflessly helped others around her. As a form of Sadaqah Jariyyah, this charity project will continue to benefit our beloved Amneh. It is our hope that the reward for this effort is multiplied by your generosity.

In 2019, HHRD provided 1 million beneficiaries, in 13 countries, with clean drinking water.


funded of $5,000 goal

0% Complete
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Somalia Needs Water Projects

Clean water is critical for the survival of human beings, especially for the development of children.

Around 50% of the population does not have basic water supply. Water is purchased from private suppliers, which is expensive, or families fetch water from far and unsafe open water sources. While men go out to earn for the family, usually young girls help their mothers to get water. Due to this many of them school, and this hard labor has a negative effect on their health. In some instances, these women and girls are assaulted on their journey.

Your Support Can Help Countless Families

When you help, a family receive water the impact if far greater than you can imagine.

We can come together to support a water well with shallow water pump for one community in Somalia that will help countless households. Girls and their mothers will no longer have to travel long distances, saving for them time, energy, and health. Your support will provide an opportunity for an education, employment and a healthier lifestyle. In the last three years, HHRD has done over 60 water projects in Somalia.

When you support this Sadaqa Jariyyah project, in honor of Amneh, there is everlasting reward for her, and Insha’Allah for all those who participate in this noble cause.

* Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization since 2005. HHRD has been rated as a 4-Star Charity consistently for more than 8 years, a recognition given to only the Top 5% of the non-profits in the U.S. Tax Exempt ID: 31-1628040

HHRD Recognized Amongst Top Zakat Charity

HHRD’s philanthropic programs have not gone unnoticed, we are ranked among the top-rated Zakat Eligible Charity in the USA. HHRD received an overall score of 98.23 out of 100, reflecting the trust HHRD has earned with US based donors

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