Sa’d ibn ‘Ubadah reported: I said, “O Messenger of Allah, my mother has died. Shall I give charity on her behalf?” The Prophet (SAW) said, “Yes.” I said, “Which charity is best?” The Prophet (SAW) said, “A drink of water.”
Washing our face at suhoor, drinking a cool glass of water or a hot cup of tea at iftaar, making wudu before taraweeh prayers—these simple actions are a part of our daily Ramadan routine. Yet, millions around the world don’t have access to the one blessing that makes it all possible—water. We ask you to join our efforts this Ramadan and provide families with this basic necessity, so they too can have a fulfilling Ramadan and a chance at a healthy life.
While many of us may take it for granted, over 2 billion of the world’s population has little or no access to safe water and over 3.5 billion have little or no access to safe sanitation in their home. This results in billions of preventable illnesses, diseases, and deaths each year. Cleanliness, health…life is possible only with the blessing of water. With your help, not only can we change lives, but we can save lives.
Through your generosity, HHRD’s WASH program has provided access to clean drinking water and dignified sanitation with the construction of wells, pumps, rainwater collection units and washrooms to over 2 million beneficiaries in 14 countries. Your continued support this Ramadan will help even more families improve the quality of their lives.
* Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization since 2005. HHRD has been rated as a 4-Star Charity consistently for more than 10 years, a recognition given to only the Top 3% of the non-profits in the U.S. Tax Exempt ID: 31-1628040
HHRD’s philanthropic programs have not gone unnoticed, we are ranked among the top-rated Zakat Eligible Charity in the USA. HHRD received an overall score of 98.23 out of 100, reflecting the trust HHRD has earned with US based donors