Catastrophic Earthquake in Türkiye

Target: $5,000

The devastating aftermath of this week’s earthquakes in Türkiye has been declared a level-four emergency by Turkish authorities. Widespread infrastructure damage with bone-chilling cold weather has claimed tens and thousands of lives, and many are still trapped under the piles of rubble.

MEC Sunday School in Collaboration with HHRD is Raising Funds for the Victims

The devastating aftermath of this week’s earthquakes in Türkiye has been declared a level-four emergency by Turkish authorities. Widespread infrastructure damage with bone-chilling cold weather has claimed tens and thousands of lives, and many are still trapped under the piles of rubble.



funded of $5,000 goal

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Team members and senior staff members from our office in Jordan arrived in Türkiye just days after the catastrophe hit. They have provided food provisions to over 12,000 beneficiaries till now and are in the field coordinating activities with local vetted partner organizations, having served in Diyarbakir and Kahramanmaras in the past two days.

Help provide relief to the people of Türkiye today and support our efforts to comfort them during this time of great need.

HHRD is a global humanitarian organization responding to human sufferings in emergency and disastrous situations all over the world regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, class, and religion. Ranked among the top 3% of 9,000 NGOs, HHRD has received a four-star rating from Charity Navigator over the past seven years.

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HHRD’s philanthropic programs have not gone unnoticed, we are ranked among the top-rated Zakat Eligible Charity in the USA. HHRD received an overall score of 98.23 out of 100, reflecting the trust HHRD has earned with US based donors

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