ICNY & HHRD Collaboration for Libya

Over a million people have been affected by the historic flooding in Derna, Libya, and surrounding areas

Goal: $10,000

Libya is Drowning, Millions Need Help

Storm Daniel struck Derna, Libya on September 10th, unleashing its destructive force with the most substantial rainfall of the year. The breaching of two dams led to widespread flooding and chaos within the city. The flooding swept neighborhoods and severely impacted essential infrastructure, such as major roadways and bridges. Thousands have been confirmed dead, with more than 10,000 individuals still unaccounted for. Additionally, the United Nations' International Organization for Migration has reported that since Monday, more than 30,000 people have been forced to leave their homes due to the disaster.

Immediate Aid is Urgently Required During This Unimaginable Time

Credits: REUTERS

The hardest-hit areas include Derna, Albayda, Soussa, AL-Marj, Shahat, Taknis, Battah, Tolmeita, Bersis, Tokra, and AL-Abyar. Schools and hotels are being used as shelters. On September 14th, HHRD initiated an emergency campaign to provide assistance to the people in Libya in collaboration with trusted local partner organizations already active on the ground. The victims urgently require essential provisions such as food, clothing, clean water, hygiene kits, bedding, shelter, and other items necessary for their survival. Your support is absolutely vital during this critical period.


funded of $10,000 goal

47.5900% Complete


In 2011, during the peak of volatility, when a refugee crisis involving Libyans fleeing to neighboring Tunisia emerged, HHRD took immediate action. At that time, HHRD responded by working in conjunction with trustworthy vetted partner NGOs. HHRD maintains a strong collaborative relationship with local partner organizations that have been carefully screened to guarantee the efficient execution of its programs and initiatives and is once again ready to provide much needed support and aid to the victims of this unprecedented natural calamity.

Credits: Reuters

Extend your hand to aid the people of Libya in their time of great need.

* Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization since 2005. HHRD has been rated as a 4-Star Charity consistently for more than 10 years, a recognition given to only the Top 3% of the non-profits in the U.S. Tax Exempt ID: 31-1628040

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